Saturday, May 23, 2009

Falling in and out of Love.

I think when most people read the title, they think of the love between two human beings. But what about the love you might have for an object-tangible or intangible? Many of us fall in love with food, with pop culture, animals (sometimes TOO in love but beastiality is another topic...),cars, and traveling. Just because it wasn't human does it mean its a bad thing?

Between the ages of 23 and 26 i became OBSESSED with traveling. I fell hard for the feeling of excitement that it induced. Traveling, anywhere, was like a drug. And in between my travels, I spent most of my time obsessing over how to get to that new place, that new high. I fell in love with traveling HARD and there was nothing or no one that would stop me from doing it.

So the question then was Why did I, like so many, feel the need to travel so much? I almost always traveled alone, meeting interesting and not so interesting people on the way only to find I was never satisfied. So I guess like the way human love changes you, travel changed me as well and hopefully like human love it will change me for the better. All I know is that I have changed, but how so and how much or for the better still remains a small mystery that I hope will unravel with time.

On another note, a quote from a travel article made me see my traveling in a different light: ''we carry values and beliefs and news to the places we go, and in many parts of the world, we become walking video screens and living newspapers, the only channels that can take people out of the censored limits of their homelands.'' In contemplating my travels, I almost always looked at the experiences in how it changed me without realizing how my own- however small impact- has affected the lives of those I have met whilst traveling. A lovely two way street relationship indeed.

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